A Tragic accident took place in village Rafifabad Baramula

  • By admin
  • September 15, 2021
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Report by Ch.Ab.Qayoom State head tribbal news network kashmir province

A tragic accident took place in village Rafiaabad Baramula (Kashmir)

Five people besides Bakerwal community and cattle killed on the spot due to lightning strike in Rafiaabad village district Baramula.

Our state head Ch Mohd Auyoob kataria has visited the effected place village RaFia bad Last night ،a tragic accident took place when a convey of Bakerwal community was struck by hydroelectricity at night. In this accident where many cattle were killed ،five human lives were also lost.



During the visit of ch.ab qayoom all the bakerwal community has prayed for the loses recovery and immediate some financial help to these families who lost there family members. state vice president IGM ch Qayoom and state general sec.Auyoob kataria they assured to said families for the help. Also they will speak to government officials.

For this natural disaster ،interanational gujjar maha saba(IGM) has demanded to provide immediate relief.



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